Serviguide Tech accompanies Balearia in the presentation of the first electric ferry: the “Cap de Barbaria”.

This past Wednesday, September 28, the launching and christening of the new electric ferry from the maritime transport company Baleària, named “Cap de Barbaria,” took place at the Armón Shipyards (Vigo).

Among the attendees were the president of Baleària, Adolfo Utor; the co-president of Astilleros Armon, Laudelino Alperi; the godmother of the ship and athlete from Formentera, Andrea Romero Escandell; and representing Serviguide Tech, Alfredo Castro, general director of the company.

The Cap de Barbaria marks a new milestone as the first electric passenger and cargo ferry in Spain with no polluting emissions, as it will not emit polluting gases into the atmosphere during its maneuvers and, therefore, will represent a substantial improvement in air quality compared to the ships that currently operate on the route.

The vessel, with a length of 82 meters and a beam of 15.5 meters, will be able to sail at up to 14 knots. In addition to promoting an eco-efficient and sustainable journey, it will guarantee reliable and quality service for residents and the supply of goods.

According to Alfredo Castro, “we look forward to seeing this innovative and environmentally sustainable ship in operation, thus providing the best possible work in the Balearic Islands. It’s a big step forward. All the excitement, knowledge, and experience in developing a project that contributes to providing good service while consuming a minimum of the environment is reflected.”

The event also featured speeches from the deputy mayor of Vigo, Elena Espinosa, and the delegate of the Xunta de Galicia in Vigo, Marta María Fernández-Tàpias.