We talk with veteran workers of Serviguide.

There’s a widespread belief in the tech sector that collaborators working on projects usually don’t stay more than a few months at each company and subsequently move on, leaving the companies.

At Serviguide, we have a high number of workers who dismantle that premise, at least in our case.

Today we talk with a colleague, Carole Lemoyne, who has been at Serviguide for more than five years.

What is your academic background?

I have a degree in languages and business.

When did you join Serviguide?

I joined Serviguide BPO almost 6 years ago, in May 2016.

Which clients have you worked with during this time?

I’ve always been hired with Serviguide, so I’ve been here for almost 6 years now.

What experience did you have when you entered Serviguide BPO?

I was working at IBM but my department was going to move to Slovakia, and that’s when I started looking for another job that would fit with the experience I had so far. I worked in several internationally minded companies like Repsol, Banesto… and finally at Serviguide Tech.

How were you able to develop your existing experience in the day-to-day of your project?

I can say it hasn’t been an easy path, as it was a new activity for me, there was no model to follow, but at the same time, this project started with me, therefore it was and is a great challenge.

In that time, have you been able to work on various projects?

As I mentioned, I’ve always been in the same project, which I have been part of from the beginning. Therefore, in this sense, there have been different stages, novelties, and changes. I remain in the same position but the environment has evolved and the project grows alongside me.

How have you grown personally and professionally since you started with us?

I started with a lot of professional demand in the face of the uncertainty of the great project we were starting, and little by little I gained more security and recognition.

What has it brought you to be so long with the same client?

I was hired to start this project and I want to see it through to the end, applications expand or disappear, but what I like the most is customer service, trying to be as effective as possible. That’s the most important thing.

Would you recommend other professionals to work in Serviguide’s tech area?

It all depends on what they’re looking for, if they’re very open and truly want to commit to a project, then yes! It’s a company that has a lot to offer and if you stay with it, you can achieve great professional accomplishments. For me, it has been a great challenge, a personal challenge. And always in mind that my work was the image of my company, that’s why I give and will always give my best.

Thank you very much for this moment. We wish you all the best.