Serviguide Tech begins its international expansion in Colombia.

The technology consultancy Serviguide TECH opens an office in Colombia as part of its expansion policy. Here’s the interview with Álvaro Álvarez de Mon, Chief Business Development Officer Latam.

Madrid, May 9, 2022. Serviguide Tech, a consultancy specializing in the technological area and as part of its current expansion policy, announced its entry into Colombia as a base for expansion in Ibero-America, with its first office in Bogotá, and shares its desire to establish itself in other Colombian cities in the near future.

For Álvaro Álvarez de Mon, Chief Business Development Officer Latam at Serviguide Tech, “the short-term objective is to continue consolidating our structure and expanding strategic accounts and clients with whom to form alliances. In the long term, we will continue with our desire to expand our services in more countries and offer our partners, current and future, to be their reference in Ibero-America.”

Regarding the strategy to be developed in Colombia, Álvarez de Mon explains that “we will establish ourselves as an external consultancy in technology, growing the company from the Spanish subsidiary we already have.”

“Several points have influenced our decision to expand Serviguide TECH in Colombia, such as its great evolution in a short time in the technological field, a solid telecommunications infrastructure development program, a strategic geographical location at a continental level, global connectivity, and, of course, the great Colombian talent, particularly in digital technologies, have favored our selection of Colombia as the headquarters for our expansion,” said Alfredo Castro, general director of Serviguide TECH.

Based on this new expansion project, last week members of Serviguide Tech attended the Colombia Investment Roadshow 2022, the main European event on investment in Colombia, and took the opportunity to get closer to business and political leaders to firsthand understand the current situation of companies that decide to embark on their journey in Colombian territory and, of course, to establish relationships with entrepreneurs in the sector.