Interview with Alfredo Castro, General Director of Serviguide TECH.

Good morning Alfredo. We see that at Serviguide you have committed to technology and now welcome the brand is Serviguide TECH….

What can you tell us about this launch?

We are a company with more than 25 years of history developing outsourcing projects and we have quickly specialized in the technological area and it is time to grow.

We want and must structure/segment projects based on their specialty, and we consider technology as a current giant that must have its own line.

What are your intentions with TECH?

At Serviguide TECH, we want to grow in the Technological Environment and offer more specialization in cutting-edge areas today.

We will work to become leaders by providing professionals who master the areas that will be trending from 2022, such as Data Fabric, Cybersecurity Mesh, Privacy-enhancing Computation, Cloud-native Platforms, Composable Applications, AI engineering…

What is the brand’s short and long-term commitment?

Our horizon is oriented towards business improvement through the use and alignment of Information Systems. The big bet is international expansion, already started in Colombia, continuing with Uruguay and the United States throughout this 2022.

Likewise, we will double the number of hired personnel and expand our specialization to previously mentioned more demanded areas.

We want to approach leadership.

What does technology offer at this time to bet on it?

Technological trends are completely booming due to the commitment made by companies in recent years, and more derived from the pandemic, where companies internationally have had to digitize and innovate cloud-based work systems.

What link will we find between TECH and the other brands under its direction?

Other brands such as Serviguide and Serviguide BPO share the same philosophy of professionalization, with the same vision of becoming a partner for our clients, adding value to their projects.

Likewise, in all our brands, we count on the utmost commitment of professionals dedicated to the projects and know-how that provides security and quality to the client.

How do you think our sector will be after this crisis?

Clearly, the crisis we have been living through for almost two years has shown the need to specialize in digital transformation processes, whatever the field of activity or size of the company. For this reason, many sectors have already begun their digital transformation, and companies that had not yet started are now more aware than ever of its advantages and benefits. I believe that we will come out stronger because we have already seen what does not work and what does work: efficiency works, technology at the service of humanity, and agile and trained systems.