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Serviguide Tech closed 2022 increasing its results by 12.5% compared to the 2021 fiscal year

April 10, 2023|sg tech news, Technological world|

The technology consulting firm, Serviguide Tech, has presented the results corresponding to the 2022 fiscal year with "record" figures considering its previous trajectory. Specifically, it closed the 2022 fiscal year with a turnover of 14.6 million euros, showing an organic growth of 12.5% compared to the previous period, even surpassing the expected figure. In this regard, it is worth noting that the company has continued to invest in significant projects, quality partnerships with partners, the recruitment of qualified talent, and international expansion. In this way, Serviguide Tech marks "the best year" of the company in a year where it has[...]

Serviguide launches its new brand specialized in the IT sector: Serviguide TECH.

December 15, 2021|sg tech news, Technological world|

The new brand of the outsourcing group specializes in the Information Technology (IT) sector. Madrid, February 2022. Serviguide, a pioneer in the development of consulting projects and solutions, will bring to life starting in November, Serviguide Tech, the new brand of the outsourcing group specialized in the Information Technology (IT) sector. Serviguide Tech has been created with the main objective of providing a global response to each of the clients in the sector related to Information Technology, aiming to provide this profile with greater specialization, sector knowledge, customization when planning projects, and obtaining professional experts. The significant growth experienced by[...]